Health Dynamics is the brainchild of acclaimed Ayurvedic practitioner, Jo Formosa, and social entrepreneur, Roger Hamilton. Together they have designed the first system to link health, wealth & happiness.
A state of flow is achieved through the connection of mind, body and spirit, which requires a deep understanding of oneself. Through multiple evaluation techniques Health Dynamics provides clients with a holistic health profile and personalised Ayurvedic treatment plan. Empowering them with the knowledge and tools to take control of their mind, health and ultimately, their success. Optimal health is the greatest form of wealth.
Studio Sachs worked closely with Jo Formosa to cobrand her Ayurvedic medicine clinic and online course offering. We ran through rounds of concepts and exploration, landing with a detailed brand guidelines document as well as social media templates, guidelines and custom icon and graphics set.
The flower of life is created by overlapping a series of circles and often represents interconnectedness and unity. Each of the sections of the flower is representative of the unique different combinations of mind and body types in the Health Dynamics test. All of the petals overlap - it is impossible to determine where one ends and the other begins. In the same way our bodies are a dynamic balance of the Ayurvedic doshas.